
2023 Reviewed by Watts Influenced Sales

A commonly agreed-upon good conversion rate is 3% and above. On Amazon US, Reviewed by Watts did 6% in 2023. Keep in mind these are US sales only. Watts is affiliated in 7 countries. Learn how you can work with me below.

2022 Reviewed by Watts Influenced Sales

A commonly agreed-upon good conversion rate is 3% and above. On Amazon US, Reviewed by Watts did 8.5% in 2022. Keep in mind these are US sales only. Watts is affiliated in 7 countries. Learn how you can work with me below.

Want to Work Together?

If you are a brand that would like to collaborate with me, please download my media kit below. In addition, please select an option regarding how you would like to work together. Please keep in mind marketing, photography, video editing and production is content that should be budgeted for in addition to sending the product for review.

For any content, know that I will be honest with my review to my audience. If you do not have a quality product, please be prepared for the criticism. I cannot guarantee a positive review for a product I’m not happy with.

I only work with brands that I believe are valuable to my creative workflow and that my audience can appreciate.

If you think we would be a good fit for each other, please reach out to me!
Raleigh, NC

How Would You Like to Work Together?

Paid Review  - You have a budget and are in love with my quality and the connection I have with my audience. This is perfect if you want to have a piece of content made for your brand. With this option, you have the ability point out what you specifically want highlighted and will have the ability to make adjustments to the content before it airs. Please inquire for pricing.

YouTube Sponsorship - You have a budget and would like to sponsor the YouTube channel. We can discuss a 3-month, 6-months or a 1 year contract to put your brand/product in the beginning of my videos, a custom ad within the vide, and as product link in the description. WARNING! You must be a brand that I own products from and/ or that I believe in.

Product Only - You have no budget but want to send your product out for brand awareness. This option does not adhere to any timeline and does not include any input from the brand. Watts will review this product whenever the schedule permits. If you prefer to only exchange product for creative production and marketing, I encourage you to have a “What Reviewers are Saying” section under your product listing where YouTube videos or blog are linked.

WHY Should You Work with me?

I understand the importance of being authentic and I can proudly say that my following and community engagement is 100% authentic across all social media platforms. Additionally, I employ SEO strategies which resulted in my YouTube video and blog post ranking in Google and YouTube for several keywords that the everyday person searches for. Lastly, I provide my audience with direct links to products that I thoroughly enjoy and I have a track record of influenced sales.

With that being said, let’s create something great. I look forward to hearing from you!

This page was last updated on 15-Dec-2023.

2023 Rates for Content Creation

Dedicated YouTube Video - Starts at $1,000

Have you ever found yourself watching a video about a product and realize the video was made 5 years ago? That’s the power of YouTube and having a quality product customers are interested in. Furthermore, if you observe customer comments, they don’t want an ad to be read to them. They want to hear thoughts and opinions from someone other than the brand. That’s where I step in. My authentic approach to product reviews results in daily commissioned affiliate purchases from the visionarywatts audience and those that pass by. Below are three example YouTube videos that resulted in numerous commissioned sales. Make sure you check out what people are saying in the comments under the video!

Dedicated Blog Post - Starts at $200

Having a dedicated blog post by a trustworthy creator goes a long way in helping potential customer find and purchase your products when using search engines. Each blog post will contain affiliate links to your products. Google, “knead kc01”, “avlt monitor arm” or “fuji xs10 battery” and you will see blog posts by the Watts platform on the first page results. Below are examples of blog posts you can expect: